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Presto-X Pest Control has one goal – to provide you with world class quality pest management solutions. We understand the challenges unique to your industry and are equipped to provide you with a customized pest management program to meet your needs.
Presto-X Pest Control and the Rentokil family of pest management companies have developed an unmatched level of service for our clients. Our Service Technicians proactively inspect and treat your business during each service visit.
Your Service Technician is backed by an extensive technical team of Registered Sanitarians, Associate Certified Entomologists, and Board Certified Entomologists available to assist in sanitation audits, pest identification, and on-site consultation.
The Presto-X Pest Control Technician is the most highly trained and experienced in the business.
Learn more about Presto-X Pest Control Technicians
Supporting Presto X’s Service Technicians and customers is a dedicated team of Entomologists