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Yellow Sac Spider



  • Pale in colour, abdomen can be yellow or beige with a faint dark stripe running lengthwise.
  • 1/4 to 3/8 inches long
  • 4 pairs of legs, the 1st pair longer than the 4th.
  • Eight similarly-sized dark eyes arranged in two horizontal rows.


  • A female produces around 5 egg sacs each with 30 to 48 eggs. The female may produce several egg masses during her lifetime.
  • Eggs are laid in Autumn
  • Spiderlings emerge the following Spring.
  • Approximately 30 percent of adult males get eaten by females after mating.


  • Feeding - usually small insects.
  • Location – They build a silken tube or sac (instead of a web) in a protected area which is used as their daytime retreat.
  • Externally this can be within a leaf or under logs; Indoors this can be or at the junction of a wall and ceiling or behind pictures and shelves. They are normally outdoor spiders, but will set-up indoors if there are small insects available. They are likely to enter homes during early Autumn when their outdoor food supply decreases.
  • Visibility - Adults can be seen from April through November. They emerge at night to look for food. They drop to the floor to seek cover when disturbed.
  • Bite - Their bite is sharp and painful amd will cause erythema and swelling. A wheal may develop, producing a necrotic area which can take eight weeks to heal. Pain or numbness at the site of the bite may be followed by sweating and nausea lasting for up to 24 hours.

Spider control for Commercial premises