Genus: Crotalus and Sistrurus (More than 50 different Species)
Geographical Locale
Found in all South American countries – except Ecuador and Chile – and some Caribbean islands.
Two enlarged venom fangs fixed to the front of the mouth.
Solid teeth in both jaws.
Different species of rattlesnake vary significantly in size and markings.
Larger species can be as long as 8 feet.
Common feature is the ‘rattle’ on the end of their tails.
Rattlesnakes shed their skin several times a year and each time they shed a new segment is added to their ‘rattle’.
Highly poisonous. Normally haemotoxic – (destroys red blood cells) – although some of the tropical species have neurotoxic venom – (damaging to nerve tissue) - and potentially fatal.
The Bite
Generally fang marks at the site of the bite.
Swelling and bruising develops round the bite site – speed of development depends on amount of venom injected
Rattlesnakes give live birth rather than lay eggs
Young rattlesnakes are independent and self-sufficient from birth.
Most rattlesnakes mate in the spring.
Newborn rattlesnakes do not have ‘working rattles’. It is only after their first skin shedding that their rattles function.
Typically live in dry savannah.
Rattlesnakes will, generally, move away from humans they encounter – but not always! Generally they only attack if cornered or provoked.
Diet consists largely of small animals such as rabbits, rats, mice etc.,
Rattlesnakes kill their prey by injecting them with venom rather than constricting them.
Unusually, these snakes can strike without pulling themselves into the ‘S’ shape that most snakes do. They also attack as far as two thirds of their length away from them.
Rattlesnakes are often found in and under boulders and logs as well as sunning themselves in the middle of trails.