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Dendroaspis angusticeps

Geographical Locale

  • Found in forest areas round the coast of the Eastern Cape in South Africa as well as Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi.


  • Two enlarged venom fangs fixed to the front of the mouth.
  • Solid teeth in both jaws.
  • Green mambas are the smallest of the species reaching an average of 5' in length.
  • Glossy green in colour with a lighter bright greenish-yellow belly.
  • Green mambas are thin, elegant snakes with a very distinctive head and long thin tail.
  • They have small eyes, smooth scales and a long rectangular head.
  • Often confused with the Boomslang (Dispholidus typus).


  • Highly poisonous. Highly neurotoxic – (damaging to nerve tissue) - and potentially fatal.

The Bite

  • Little or no swelling at the bite wound.
  • Wound will show two puncture marks.


  • Green Mamba is oviparous (egg laying).
  • Female lays between 6 and 18 eggs in the summer usually in rotting vegetation.
  • Hatchlings are poisonous from birth and up to 18 inches long.


  • Green mambas are mainly arboreal, (live in trees), but also known to inhabit bamboo thickets, mango groves and coastal shrubland.
  • Shy, non-aggressive and only likely to attack if provoked or cornered.
  • Diet consists mainly of birds, bird eggs and small mammals.
  • Green mambas are active during the day, (diurnal), but seldom seen on the ground unless after their prey or basking in the sun.

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